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curl https

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This script will fail on a machine running Windows .
Any idea how to fix it.
Thank you.

I'll give is a try on Windows 7 and let you know what I find.

https: in windows XP - Fail
https: in windows 7 - Fail
https: in windows 10 - Fail
Can somebody help me?¿


--- Quote ---Can somebody help me?
--- End quote ---

I gave it a try on Windows 7 and it said my libcurl.dll wasn't found.  I have upgraded my laptop and still migrating my development environment to it. (Linux 64 & Win7 32 bit in a VirtualBox)

I will try to have another look at it today. Unfortunately I'm overwhelmed with real life issues at the moment and can't spend the time I would like with my free time open source efforts. I will do my best to help get us beyond this Windows/ cURL issue.

I found a set of Windows 32 bit libcurl DLLs and was able to run your example with an extension error using a https based site. I really think this is a Window cURL SSL issue and not a fault with the Script BASIC extension. I'm not sure yet what the error code being returned actually is.

(0): error 0x0008113c:Extension specific error: %s

My guess at this point is the SSL version of the libcurl.dll requires other DLLs to work with HTTPS / SSL sites. These seemed to be included with the Linux version of the library.


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