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ScriptBasic 64 Bit Linux


I wrote a webservice application using ScriptBasic on a Ubuntu 10.10 32 bit system recently. As it turned out the application needed to run on a 64 bit version of Ubuntu. Armando had compiled 64 bit versions of ScriptBasic for OSX and Windows. (MinGWGCC-IDM) For some reason we never got around to doing a 64 bit version for Linux. The good news is that ScriptBasic runs fine in 64 bit mode on Linux. (thanks to Armando's assistance) When I find some spare time, I would like to add a setup --gcc64 option to add the needed compiler switches to the make files being generated to create 64 bit executables and libraries.

Here is the complete set of binaries for ScriptBasic on Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit.  Feedback welcome!

--- Code: ---/usr/bin




--- End code ---

Note I have provided a minimal configuration file in text format to customize for your particular needs. ScriptBasic requires the configuration file be in a binary format for use. The following scriba option will create the needed binary format configuration  file.  (basic.conf)

scriba -k basic.conf.txt

You can alway view your current configuration scriba/sbhttpd is using with this command.

scriba -D



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