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ScriptBasic now has a wiki for the documentation project. We are using the MediaWiki open source product that also powers the Wikipedia project.


If your able to help with the conversion of the user guide Peter did in HTML to wiki format, it would be much appreciated.

I noticed that are are a number of wiki to html converter programs, but could find no html to wiki converters.
Is the original plain text available?
I converted a few user guide html files to see how they would look as plain ascii text.  Not to bad, and may be a good start on making the wiki files.  My guess would be for the user guides to be converted first. This could be as separate text files, or combined into one large text file for wiki formatting. Your thoughts?

Using SB to filter and format the files was my first thought, but doing straight from htm would be a lot harder I think.
There are a few common errors:
run together words. ie; Thiswas \ This was
for programs
for include .bas=.bas
grammar is pretty good, but some editing
Your link is dead.
I downloaded the mediawiki and had a look. I am trying to find a wikitext markup language and command dictionary.

For the wiki pages:
pick out first archive to try out, a small one?
1. convert to text(wiki)
2. edit for; update content, spelling, grammar
3. use an open source wiki editor to format pages or, use SB to write a prg to format to wikitext markup language
4. upload pages to your wiki.
5. review and modify procedure as needed


''italic''                   / italic
'''bold'''                   / bold
''''bold and italic''''      / bold and italic
==heading==                  / Headings in different sizes
===level 2===                / H2
====level 3====              / H3
=====level 4=====            / H4
[[Link to another page]]     / Internal Link to another page
[[Link|different title]]     / on the wiki          / External link
[ Text]   / Link with description
[[fr:Page en francais]]        / Interwiki link to french Wikipedia
.                            / (appears under languages)
[[Category:Example]]         / Add article to category example
----                         / horizontal line
* one                        / Bullet list
* two                        / B2
* three                      / B3
# one                        / Numbered list
# two                        / N2
# three                      / N3
[[Image:File.jpg|Text]]      / Image with alternative text
[[Image:File.jpg|frame|Text]]/ Image aligned right with caption
[[Image:File.jpg|thumb|Text]]/ Thumbnail
[[Media:File.ogg]]           / Download link
{{Name} }                    / Include template Name
--~~~                        / Signature (Link to userpage)
--~~~~                       / Signature with timestamp
#REDIRECT [[Other article]]  / Redirect to another article
(wikitext markup language)   / (051806)


--- Quote ---I downloaded the mediawiki and had a look.
--- End quote ---

The Wikipedia is based on MediaWiki.

If you would like to be the "sysop" for the wiki and define direction, I would be  more then happy to support your efforts.



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