Extension Modules > COM

Couple Api ideas for embedding

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I wasn't sure what value the VB5CCE version would offer so thanks for clearing that up. Is any of the runtime components of VB5CCE usable for anything? From what I gather I can create a standard VB form, save the it as a project file, load it in standard VB and create a standalone .exe with it. If anything maybe it can be used as an IDE / Debugger of sorts.

all of the things i did in the vb6 demo can be done from the vb5 cce

the user control will be the class, and it will display the form. same mechanisms at play

So are you saying VB5CCE wasn't a waste of time and can be used in the SB VB COM project?

yup still works fine in vb5cce see attached

Very Cool!

I had to register the OCX this time. (no dll)

--- Code: ---import com.inc

function Button1_Click(arg)
print "Back in script basic Button1_Click arg=", arg, "\n"
Button1_Click = arg + 1
end function

obj = CreateObject("VB5.CCESample")

if obj = 0 then
    print "CreateObject failed!\n"
    print "obj = ", obj, "\n"
    oCollection = CallByName(obj, "CallBackHandlers", VbGet)
    print "oCollection = ", oCollection, "\n"
    CallByName(oCollection, "Add", VbMethod, ADDRESS(Button1_Click()), "frmCallBack.cmdOp1_Click" )
    retVal = CallByName(obj, "LaunchCallBackForm", vbMethod, 21)
    print "LaunchCallBackForm returned ", retVal, "\n"
    print "test complete!\n"
end if

--- End code ---

C:\SB22\sbcom\sbvb4>scriba VB5_Example.sb
obj = 1400632
oCollection = 1406752
Back in script basic Button1_Click arg=21
LaunchCallBackForm returned 22
test complete!



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