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ScriptBasic for Android

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I haven't run into any show stoppers so far getting SB installed on my SGT2_10.1 Android device. I was able to get scriba to generate configuration files where I wanted them to go.

Notice the short lib name?

Here are a few apps I installed to make my life easier.



I would highly recommend Hacker's Keyboard as your virtual keyboard alternative.

--- Code: ---IMPORT DVM

PRINT "Phone Type: ",DVM::getPhoneType(),"\n"
PRINT "Screen Brightness: ",DVM::getScreenBrightness(),"\n"
PRINT "Airplane Mode: ",DVM::checkAirplaneMode(),"\n"
PRINT "Ringer Silent Mode: ",DVM::checkRingerSilentMode(),"\n"
PRINT "Screen On: ",DVM::checkScreenOn(),"\n"
PRINT "Max Media Volume: ",DVM::getMaxMediaVolume(),"\n"
PRINT "Max Ringer Volume: ",DVM::getMaxRingerVolume(),"\n"
PRINT "Media Volume: ",DVM::getMediaVolume(),"\n"
PRINT "Ringer Volume: ",DVM::getRingerVolume(),"\n"
PRINT "Vibrate Mode: ",DVM::getVibrateMode(),"\n"
PRINT "Vibrate Mode Ringer: ",DVM::getVibrateMode(TRUE),"\n"
PRINT "Vibrate Mode Notify: ",DVM::getVibrateMode(FALSE),"\n"

--- End code ---

Note:  The size of this last image is very close to my actual screen size for the tablet. (based on my laptop 1280x800 screen)


--- Quote from: kryton9 on June 13, 2012, 09:14:14 PM ---Don't get caught up in all the rooting hype. I am glad I didn't root my tablet and although I like the stuff on my rooted phone, it is not stable and if I could go back to the stock ROM I would. It is just so easy to get caught up with it reading the articles and watching the videos on youtube.  Just look at that red sign you got in your post. Those will keep you out of trouble and happier!

--- End quote ---

If your want to play root, do it in an emulator to see what you're unable to on the stock device. I'm pondering why sudo (or it's mechanism to allow temporary root functionality) can't be added/enabled on this open source OS. I'm sure there are certain Android applications that are purchased from the marketplace that need root functionality to install. It's hard to believe this functionality isn't available and forces users to burn a new OS image and voiding the warranty. Why doesn't device manufactures just allow root by default and provide a factory reset option that restores the device like it was when you took it out of the box. (doing a backup first would be wise)

I got tired of sharing the screen with the keyboard when at my desk so I got a Logitech® Bluetooth® keyboard and the case acts as a stand.

--- Quote from: product feedback comment ---Just bought the keyboard at a frys after looking at the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 keyboard dock (which is pretty ugly and from that the reviews say does not even work all the time). So far this baby is one of the best keyboards I've used and makes typing a pleasure on the my galaxy tab 10.1. I would recommend it to anyone planning on doing much typing on their tablet.

--- End quote ---

I was worried I was going to have to install a null virtual keyboard so it wouldn't pop up all the time. Android 4.x is smart enough to know you have an external KB attached and keeps the virtual one at bay unless you force it to be displayed by taping on the keyboard icon. Just like a PC, if I press a key while it is asleep the screen turns on like I pressed the power button. (Sweet !)

I created a new Android image for the emulator that matches my SGT2_10.1 screen size. I use a window scale .80 to allow the emulator to take the same screen real estate on my laptop as it does physically.

Laptop = 15" screen
Tablet = 10" screen

It's convent that the the tablet and my laptop both run at 1280 x 800 resolution. (tablet has better pixel density) Xfinity TV (Comcast On-Demand) runs great on the tablet and it's like having your TV in your hand. You can also use the tablet to view channel line-up and program your DVR. (both Android free apps)

When I started looking for a Android tablet and settled on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, my next decision was broadband mobility. I could buy the unit from one of the carriers (AT&T, Verizon, ...) or save a lot of money and get the 4G compatible WIFI version. (from Costco) As long as I'm home and connect via WIFI to my Comcast router (21 MBits/sec) or at Starbucks via their AT&T 4G WIFI, I still had a leash. If I would have purchased one of the carrier units, I still had to sign up for their data plan @ $50 / month. (5 GB)  

The solution I went with is the AT&T Mobile Hotspot Elevate 4G ($119 for the modem, $50 /5 GB, 2 yr. contract, $35 activation & shipping)

--- Quote ---Experience 4G LTE speeds on all your Wi-Fi enabled devices. AT&T Mobile Hotspot Elevate 4G connects up to five Wi-Fi enabled devices to the Internet with speeds up to 10x faster than 3G. With no software to install and an LCD screen to guide you, setup is fast and intuitive. Just turn on the device and connect your laptop (or another Wi-Fi enabled device) over Wi-Fi. AT&T Mobile Hotspot Elevate 4G helps you get the information you need quickly while away from your home or office, even when traveling abroad.

--- End quote ---

I am sorry I forgot to mention about Hacker's keyboard. That is my favorite that I have found so far too. But I agree, nothing compares to having an actual keyboard.
I didn't know about droidedit. That looks nice. But I am not using my tablet for coding, just media viewer and reader for bedtime now.

Your bluetooth keyboard and your case as stand for your tablet looks like a very sweet combo, congrats!

That is really nice that you are documenting your experience along the way. This kind of info is very helpful when researching. So I am sure many people will find this info beneficial when doing searches.


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