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curl Segmentation fault

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There is more to this story going on IMHO. I'm having issues starting sbhttpd as a service on Linux 64 bit with the new builds. (haven't tried 32 bit sbhttpd) Lucky I have something that works from a previous build but reproducing it has become a challenge. I'm thinking we are seeing the results of a gcc deprecation support drop off in progress.  :-[

Still working on it.

The -safe option creates two sbhttpd processes in case one fails the other takes over. A fault tolerant mode of sorts. The mode should only be run when debugging an issue with sbhttpd. Can you try the sbhttpd -start option and see if it starts as a service? Does deleting the pid.txt to do a graceful shutdown cause a seg. fault?

That's good news and thanks for testing. Looks like an Ubuntu issue.

I can get the current Ubuntu version to run as a background job and works as if I started it with a sbhttpd -start. It dives me nuts when things that have been working forever all of a sudden don't.


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