Extension Modules > COM

ActiveX with VB.NET

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the return just exits the script early so I didnt have to protect the lower block with an else end if
Wasnt sure if it would work but it did. swap the equal to not equal logic to test

Didn't know that and have always used END. Thanks for the trick.

I was unable to get the .net date picker to run under Windows 7.  I registered the control and copied the Sample.dll to the bin directory.

C:\sb22_32\sbvb-2>scriba cs_date.sb
Failed to create the C# com object did you register the dll with regasm and have .NET installed?(0): error &H26:The command RETURN can not be executed, because there is no where to return.

I think the RETURN is causing scriba to exit due to failure and END should probably be used. I'm surprised your not seeing an ERROR 38 with the RETURN with nowhere to go. (possibly exited before error message could be displayed ?)

FYI: You can add your own key/data pairs to the Script BASIC configuration file and call it with the SB ext. module API.

BTW: I really enjoy your videos. Very informative!

I just tested it on a Win7 machine, the registry file method wasnt enough not sure why.

For win7 i had to fall back to the regasm [dll path] method in which case it then worked as expected.

Your right on the return thing, oops, guess I wasnt reading the output close enough. End is what I was looking for thanks :)

The RegAsm of the DLL did the trick on Windows 7 64 bit.

C:\sb22_32\sbvb-2>C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe Sample.dll
Microsoft .NET Framework Assembly Registration Utility version 4.0.30319.18408
for Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.0.30319.18408
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Types registered successfully

C:\sb22_32\sbvb-2>scriba cs_date.sb
User Selected date: 6/25/2014


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