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? about compiling C code produced with ScriptBasic

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--- Quote ---In the meantime, I have found a way to reduce the size of EXE files produced with the  scriba -Eo G:\SB22B2\bin\OUTPUT.exe  %1 option by 60%.
--- End quote ---

Script BASIC is < 600KB stock. Glad you found compression to work for you.

Check out Dave's IDE. Very cool.


I tried Dave's IDE/Debugger as you suggested.

When I use it to run the script, the debugger gives the following error message --

"error &H68:  The user function "rad" is used but is not defined."

However, when I run the script outside of the IDE/Debugger, it executes fine without error.

Any idea what's causing this?

Is the IDE/Debugger using an older version of scriba.exe?



--- Quote ---Is the IDE/Debugger using an older version of scriba.exe?
--- End quote ---

I sent Dave the SB 2.2 source when about mid way in his project. I thought he updated his SB 2.1 source. Just use the scriba & libscriba.dll from the SB 2.2 beta I posted on the download board. (sticky post)

Thanks for the heads-up!


I am still struggling to produce the "small footprint" compiled version of SB22b2 using the following command line you posted earlier:

ar rcs sb.a stndlone.obj report.obj myalloc.obj errcodes.obj dynlolib.obj

But I can not find either the stndlone.c and stndlone.h or stndlone.obj anywhere in the posted SB22b2 distribution, or the source you posted on this thread.

The only stndlone files I have seen so far were in the SB30 distribution stuff, and I don't know if they will also work with 22b2.

Do you have a set of OBJ files for stnlone, report, myalloc, errorcodes, and dynlolib for version 22b2 that were compiled with the MinGW 32 bit compiler?



Where can I find thw WINDOWS GCC version of libscriba files?



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