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Missing documentation for XML module

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I'll add it to the wish list.  8)

Try GetProp(NodeHandle, PropName) as the argument structure being passed.

FYI: Save yourself a lot of time and grief by first testing your code (especially when using extension modules) with the command line interpreter (scriba) before using the app server. If it works under scriba, it will work on the app server variation.

I know this is an old post, but anyway....

GetProp doesn't seem to be "exported":

--- Code: ---SLFST XML_SLFST[] ={
{ "versmodu" , versmodu },
{ "bootmodu" , bootmodu },
{ "finimodu" , finimodu },
{ "emsgmodu" , emsgmodu },
{ "sbxmlParseFile"     , sbxmlParseFile     },
{ "sbxmlNewDoc"        , sbxmlNewDoc        },
{ "sbxmlFreeDoc"       , sbxmlFreeDoc       },
{ "sbxmlNewNs"         , sbxmlNewNs         },
{ "sbxmlFreeNs"        , sbxmlFreeNs        },
{ "getchildren"        , getchildren        },
{ "setchildren"        , setchildren        },
{ "getnext"            , getnext            },
{ "setnext"            , setnext            },
{ "getprev"            , getprev            },
{ "setprev"            , setprev            },
{ "sbxmlSetProp"       , sbxmlSetProp       },
{ "sbxmlNewChild"      , sbxmlNewChild      },
{ "sbxmlNewTextChild"  , sbxmlNewTextChild  },
{ "sbxmlNewDocNode"    , sbxmlNewDocNode    },
{ "sbxmlDocDumpMemory" , sbxmlDocDumpMemory },
--- End code ---

I'm playing around with mini-xml as a replacement for libxml.  The static library of libxml is about 3megs now.  mini-xml's static lib is about 250k, with debugging turned on (should be about 40-90k without).

Additionally, libxml has additional external dependencies, whereas the only dependency that mini-xml has is pthreads, which any decent C compiler already provides.

Quick example in C, using votan's example xml file:

--- Code: C ---#include <mxml.h>#include <stdio.h> #define filename "stuff.xml" int main(){        // declare variables        mxml_node_t *rootNode, *childNode;          // try opening the file        FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r"); // open the xml file        // check if file exists       if(fp == NULL) {           perror("\""filename"\"");           return -1;       }         // load the file into an xml ROOT node        rootNode = mxmlLoadFile(NULL, fp, MXML_OPAQUE_CALLBACK);                // file's loaded, close the handle        if (fp) fclose(fp);         // get the first value and print        childNode = mxmlFindElement(rootNode,rootNode,"stuff_test",NULL,NULL,MXML_DESCEND);        if (childNode) printf("Test1: %s\n", childNode->child->value.opaque);                // get the second value and print        childNode = mxmlFindElement(rootNode,rootNode,"stuff_test2",NULL,NULL,MXML_DESCEND);        if (childNode) printf("Test2: %s\n", childNode->child->value.opaque);         // Free the xml doc        if (rootNode) mxmlDelete(rootNode);                 return 0;} 

Test1: This is a test!
Test2: And this is another test!

The xml file:

--- Code: ---<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<stuff_test>This is a test!</stuff_test>
<stuff_test2>And this is another test!</stuff_test2>
--- End code ---



--- Quote ---I'm playing around with  mini-xml as a replacement for libxml.  The static library of libxml is about 3megs now.  mini-xml's static lib is about 250k, with debugging turned on (should be about 40-90k without).
--- End quote ---

That's great news Armando. I will be happy to test your new XML extension module when your ready.


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