Extension Modules > COM

Couple Api ideas for embedding

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oghh no sorry, wasnt clear.

The precompiled com.dll will work fine.

I just meant If you want to play around and recompile the com.dll for some reason using the provided solution file.

if it said callbacks werent registered its probably because you forgot to register the vb6_example.dll again with regsvr32
since the interface has changed the clsids in teh registry have changed as well so it must be reregistered

--- Code: ---C:\scriptbasic\bin>scriba COM_VB6_CallBack_Example.sb
obj = 1416200
oCollection = 1418968
Back in script basic Button1_Click arg=21
Back in script basic Button1_Click arg=22
Back in script basic Button1_Click arg=23
Back in script basic Button1_Click arg=24
Back in script basic Button2_Click arg=25
Back in script basic Button2_Click arg=50
Back in script basic Button2_Click arg=100
Back in script basic Button2_Click arg=200
LaunchCallBackForm returned 400
test complete!

--- End code ---

I thought that is what you meant. Didn't want to scare anyone away before it's out of the kitchen.  :)

Can you confirm the output I posted was what you expected?

With each release I put it in a sub-directory of sbcom. I then regsrv the DLL again due to it's new location.

also the currently unsupported VT return type: 9 message shows it was an old version of com.dll that was loaded

actually sorry i will still need a little more work on this..when I switched over to release build a setting didnt carry over
and the last couple tweaks I was still testing the old debug build :(

thats what I get for being fancy and using a post build command to install the extension for me

I re registered it again but it still says the script writer forgot to register the callback handler.

I'm on the #AllBASIC IRC (see link for web client in  upper right corner of forum) if that would be better to resolve this.


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