ScriptBasic > Download
ScriptBasic 2.1 Linux
I'm pleased to announce that the first release candidate for ScriptBasic 2.1 Linux is available.
The ODBC interface has changed from unixODBC to iODBC to align with the OS X version.
[*]download the compressed tar file to your /usr/src directory
[*]In your Linux console, cd to /usr/scr and type bunzip2 SB_2.1_RC1_Linux.tbz
[*]this creates a SB_2.1_RC1_Linux.tar file.
[*]extract the tar file with tar -xvf SB_2.1_RC1_Linux.tar
[*]this creates a scriptbasic directory with everything needed to install ScriptBasic
[*]cd into the scriptbasic directory and type ./
You are now able to use ScriptBasic
Works like a glove with these informations. From where i can get all the modules (gtk.bas etc.)? Cant find them...though not first time when i dont see something that is in front of my eyes.
The following is the latest source. (as far as I'm aware of)
ScriptBasic Linux 2.1
Build Process
[*]Uncompressed the archive. (creates a scriptbasic directory)
[*]./setup (builds the complete ScriptBasic language from scratch) It's a good idea to remove the last bin directory that was previously created.
[*]./setup --install (installs ScriptBasic and creates a default binary version of the configuration file)
Known Successful Builds:
[*]CentOS 5.4 (32 bit)
[*]Ubuntu (32 bit)
Please reply to this topic thread if you have successfully compiled ScriptBasic on a Linux version not mentioned yet.
Note: In the next build, the BDB (Berkeley DB) and PSQL (PostgreSQL) extension modules will no longer be included or supported. (use at your own risk)
Two notes on compile/install:
[*]When I unpacked the sources, setup didn't come out with -x permissions
[*]When compiling on ubuntu, I had permission errors and had to "sudo ___" the 3 steps (./setup, ./setup --install, ./[/list]
Thanks for your feedback!
I will be creating new docs for the compiling process as time permits. If you can post your steps as a guide, it would help the project along.
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