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Script Basic on Mac OS X

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Hello.  Has anybody been able to get Script Basic to compile on Mac OS X?  I've downloaded the source code for version 2.1 and have tried to run ""  However, one of the messages I get is scriba executable failed.  What do I have to do to get Script Basic to compile and work on Mac OS X?

It would be great if you could post a link to a redirected compile run output. (stdout/stderr)

This will give us a better idea what might be going wrong.



--- Quote from: "support" ---It would be great if you could post a link to a redirected compile run output. (stdout/stderr)

This will give us a better idea what might be going wrong.

--- End quote ---

A link to the output can be found here.

First of all I can see something strange that has nothing to do with the I wrote:

>>> /usr/bin/CD: line 4: builtin: CD: not a shell builtin

what is this, and where did it come from?


In file included from httpd.c:227:

httpd.h:112: error: syntax error before ‘port_t’


probably darwin has slightly different header files that other Unices. The other error messages following this one may come from this one. Event hought his only affects httpd.c which is not needed for the command line version of ScriptBasic. Even thought the generated make file does not finish because it can not generate the sbhttpd executable lacking httpd.o.

Check how to define the type port_t and define it with some OS specific conditional compilation directive before its use.


I got the scriba executable compiled by adding the --unix option.
perl --unix
perl --install --unix
I haven't tested it that much yet though.


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