attached is the updated dll for scriba v2.2.
I also added a new export TypeName(obj) which will return the class name of the COM object.
I am pretty much done with another command which will allow you to list the public methods/properties of a given com object
The SBCallBackEx export, usable by VB5/6 UIs now also allows the VB form to call back into script basic function using arbitrary number
of arguments of string or long type, and can handle string or long return values from script basic back to vb
In the excel example, any of the variables startign with o are COM object pointers, there are a bunch of them.
without the dot notation, you have to handle access one step at a time.
so in vbscript the single line:
Set ExcelWorkbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add
Has to be converted out to:
oWorkBook = CallByName(oExcelApp, "Workbooks", vbGet)
oExcelWorkbook = CallByName(oWorkBook, "Add")
To simplify this, I could probably make callbyname parse complex strings and automate these
steps which could potentially reduce it down to a very managable:
oExcelWorkbook = CallByName(oExcelApp, "ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add")
or in more complicated form:
ExcelSheet.Cells(i, j).Value = x