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japi compile
I was going try a japi compile for my ubutuntu 11.
I installed scriba-v2.1.1_i386.deb and there is no scriptbasic directory with all the needed files.
Will the the scriptbasic directory and files from SB_2.1_RC1_Linux be ok to use with the scriba-v2.1.1_i386.deb install?
I think the japi extension module was done by one of Peter Verhas's students long ago. I would like to see it work. If you need help with the SB extension module API, just post something here.
Please post some screen shots & code when you have something to show.
My mistake. I thought you had a GUI going with the X11 and font question.
IMPORT - Includes the file/module/... only once.
INCLUDE - Includes the file/module/... explicitly at the point of the INCLUDE statement.
Note: If INCLUDE starts a line, it will execute even if it's wrapped in a IF/THEN structure. It one of those brute force kind of keywords.
That's great news you were able to revive this extension to SB. I have attached the scriba examples and images from the JAPI site and put it in a zip for those wishing to join you on your adventure. Personally I have no interest in Java and the Windows 2000 looking GUI. (Latest Version: 26 Feb 2003 - V1.0.6) This could be the reason it never got off the ground as an extension module for ScriptBasic. (project abandoned ?)
I'm happy with using GTK-Server and the GNOME Gtk API.
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