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General Discussions / Re: Linux Virtual Machine
« Last post by Support on May 03, 2017, 01:17:09 PM »
Glad to hear you figured out what the problem was. Script BASIC variables being typeless until use can trip you up if not careful.

General Discussions / Re: Linux Virtual Machine
« Last post by Script_test on May 03, 2017, 03:01:23 AM »
I've already located the bug. Was not in the curl library
I was in the use of variables and arrays with the same name.
So far everything worked correctly but when the program repeated many times the process .... failed due to lack of memory.

Example: (My program has more than 7k lines...)

Static_value [f] = random_value
Static_value = 3
^^ ---- Execution worked four times... and then (out of memory)

Solved renamed
Static_value [f] = random_value
my_Static_value = 3

Ty ;D
General Discussions / Re: Linux Virtual Machine
« Last post by Support on May 02, 2017, 09:27:28 PM »
Are you using the latest Inno based Windows install curl module?

Out of memory is a catch all error in extension modules as the developers didn't take the time to describe the actual error properly.  I'm slowly rewriting the distributed extension modules in C BASIC for readability, updating libraries and cleanup. Most all of the extension modules I've done are in C BASIC.

General Discussions / Linux Virtual Machine
« Last post by Script_test on May 02, 2017, 10:25:09 AM »
Hi, I have random problems with the curl library under windows, the last one (out of memory).
As I see in the comments, under linux everything seems to work fine. I have no experience in configuring linux.
You could share (download)a virtual machine with everything configured to be able Working and tests with scriptbasic. ?
Thank you very much.
What's New / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - Download Available
« Last post by Support on April 24, 2017, 11:54:13 AM »
I'm glad Script BASIC found a home in your toolbox of languages.

Keep us in the loop as your projects unfold.
What's New / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - Download Available
« Last post by AlyssonR on April 24, 2017, 09:18:39 AM »
I have been having fun ever since I first installed Script Basic (much more fun than VB6)

At the moment, most of my fun is involved with academic and outdoor pursuits rather than advancing any of my computer-related projects - indeed, the only programming I have done in 3 months is a couple of Windows Scripting Engine scripts and a change to one of my VB6 data-crunchers in order to fix a broken RTF file output routine (and even that was all trivial in nature).
What's New / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - Download Available
« Last post by Support on April 21, 2017, 08:43:15 PM »
How are things going in general with Script BASIC? Are you having fun yet?  :)
What's New / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - Download Available
« Last post by AlyssonR on April 19, 2017, 11:00:38 AM »
Brilliant, thanks.

Not that I'm actually using them at the moment.
What's New / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - Download Available
« Last post by Support on March 02, 2017, 08:22:22 PM »
Hopefully others will give Script BASIC a try and share their experience. You can lead a horse to water ...

What's New / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit - Download Available
« Last post by AlyssonR on March 01, 2017, 03:27:38 PM »
Most of what I do tends to be hardware and/or user constrained, so there is little advantage to compiling for me. My programs spent an inordinate amount of time waiting for disc accesses to complete.

The only heavyweight thunking I do is a program to calculate specific activity and dose from a chemical formula, but I do that in a mixture of batch and compiled VB6 - and a list of 1800 minerals takes less than 15 seconds to handle and output to CSV and rich text document files - so it probably wouldn't take much more using SB.
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