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ScriptBasic JIT

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I hope to have better luck with ScriptBasic supporting the embedded world. SB has been embedded in commercial controllers and routers for many years and with little or no help from the author or myself.

There are just too many general purpose BASIC languages out there for SB to make any headway among them. The people I know that have tried ScriptBasic, love it so life can't be all that bad.  :)

Sounds like a project I would like to try.

embedded Linux microcontroller

I was looking at one the other day that would run linux and had lan and wireless built in. Programmed by usb connection.


It seems that energy management and facility monitoring is well on it's way as standard equipment in current construction. Reminds me of the push to put all those wires hanging from poles underground. SB is an excellent embeddable scripting language and used commercially in controllers/gateways.

I am looking at either the raspberry pi or the beaglebone black. I would like to have a dedicated cheap linux machine to experiment with. I guess these are cheap enough can't go wrong picking either one.

I was able to compile ScriptBasic in my chrooted copy of Ubuntu ARM on Android.

Let me know if you have any interest of trying ScriptBasic on one of these boards.


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