Support > ScriptBasic Examples w/source

How to read/write variables in Byte data type?

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Regarding the file I attached in prviouse post, to which module belongs the functions : waitevents() and setevents()?

Where did you find that code? It sort of looks like ScriptBasic. SB is telling you that you're calling functions that don't exist.

If you want to use cURL, you have to IMPORT/INCLUDE the curl.bas file first before calling any of the extension module functions.

Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your support :)

How are you?  Hope you doing well

Would you please send me the link of which scriptbasic
compiler that could be installed in android!

Thanks a lot

ScriptBasic is an interpretive scripting language written with ANSI/ISO compliant C compiler.

I have an experimental version of ScriptBasic for Android native Linux you are welcome to try. I was able to get AIR's SQLite3 extension module working on Android. (self contained with no dependencies)


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