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What's New / Re: Script BASIC Wiki
« Last post by AlyssonR on August 15, 2018, 01:43:09 AM »
A big thumbs up for this.

My sympathies - I always hated doing the documentation.
What's New / Script BASIC Wiki
« Last post by Support on August 14, 2018, 04:33:53 PM »
I have updated the Script BASIC Wiki to the latest version of Mediawiki. (what runs Wikipedia)

Direct Link

I plan to document the Script BASIC COM extension module in the updated wiki. The wiki has been a resource I have neglected for some time.  :(

Download / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit Inno Install
« Last post by AlyssonR on August 13, 2018, 01:59:19 AM »

I'll go see.
Download / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit Inno Install
« Last post by Support on August 11, 2018, 05:12:29 PM »
I have a thread going on COM 64 on the showing a VB6 form interacting with SB.
Download / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit Inno Install
« Last post by AlyssonR on August 11, 2018, 02:16:33 PM »
Okay, thanks.

Does the converse (a VB6 form as an OCX) work, too?
Download / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit Inno Install
« Last post by Support on August 11, 2018, 10:32:31 AM »
If you like VB6 for your UI, the Script BASIC COM/OLE automation extension module supports saving forms as OCX controls. VB6 does callbacks to SB functions for processing.

An alternative to IUP on Windows.
Download / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit Inno Install
« Last post by AlyssonR on August 10, 2018, 01:31:07 AM »
Just thinking about the array support makes me come over .... all unnecessary. *shudders*

Let's face it, SB is pretty close to being the pinnacle of straight BASICs. I just wish we could have a dragon-drop wysiwyg interface similar to VB6. Still, hope springs eternal.

Download / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit Inno Install
« Last post by Support on August 09, 2018, 09:30:48 PM »
Brilliant string handling, fast and free

I agree and I think the array support is just as outstanding.
Download / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit Inno Install
« Last post by AlyssonR on August 09, 2018, 02:20:22 AM »
Okay, here we go ....

Windows 7 (64-bit)
Console/script (backend) use at the moment (still developing the application from scratch)
Front end is currently VB6

What do I like about it?

Brilliant string handling, fast and free ;)
Download / Re: Script BASIC Windows 32 bit Inno Install
« Last post by Support on August 08, 2018, 08:16:25 PM »
It would be great to hear from others that tried Script BASIC for Windows 32 bit.

The feedback I'm looking for is how do you use Script BASIC. Console utilities / scripts, web programming or desktop GUI apps using IUP?

Which OS do you use as your primary development platform?

What do you likie best about Script BASIC?
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