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Build your own SL4A Facade



--- Quote from: Sergey Zelenev ---I need to use a closed-source proprietary Java library with my SL4A standalone project (in form of APK).
I will need to expand the SL4A RPC API for that.

What would be a good example in the source on how to do that? I'm not too strong with Java, so something very basic would be helpful.

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If you have a Java background, (Pete Verhas: do you have your ears on?) one could create their own Facade scripting extension to SL4A.

--- Quote from: anthony prieur ---You need to create your own facade class and then add it to, like:


FacadeConfiguration.class needs to be put out of script.jar and add it
to your project, see e.g.:

Simple facade you can use as base for yours:

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