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Script Basic on Mac OS X

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Were you able to get all the extension modules and sbhttpd compiled as well? (no error compile run)

After you do some testing, would you be willing to share your binaries? I have been waiting for a Mac user to come along and compile the latest code base.

Let me know if you get GTK-server working with ScriptBasic if GUI programming is part of the plan.



--- Quote from: "support" ---Tiger,

Were you able to get all the extension modules and sbhttpd compiled as well? (no error compile run)

After you do some testing, would you be willing to share your binaries? I have been waiting for a Mac user to come along and compile the latest code base.

Let me know if you get GTK-server working with ScriptBasic if GUI programming is part of the plan.

--- End quote ---

Not all of the modules compiled.  I noticed in some of the compiler output that ld gave errors about the -shared switch being an unknown option.  The following modules failed:
the sbhttpd executable
libscriba library
the bdb module
the curses module
the mysql module
the xml module


--- Quote ---
Not all of the modules compiled. I noticed in some of the compiler output that ld gave errors about the -shared switch being an unknown option. The following modules failed:
the sbhttpd executable
libscriba library
the bdb module
the curses module
the mysql module
the xml module

--- End quote ---

Are you still having issues with the 'port_t' reference?

The PostgreSQL module is a tricky one to compile as the extension module was written by one of Peter's students. I was able to contact him and he made the changes needed to compile with the PostgreSQL libraries under CentOS.

Do you have the MySQL dev libs installed?

Maybe your missing the XML, Berkeley DB and curses dependencies as well.

Please post the sections of the compile run your still having issues with. Be sure to include the final OK/Failed report at the end. (prizes for a clean compile will not be awarded without proof.  8)  )



--- Quote ---
I noticed in some of the compiler output that ld gave errors about the -shared switch being an unknown option.

--- End quote ---

You may want to check your 'ld' options as -shared may have been depreciated.



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