Extension Modules > COM

Couple Api ideas for embedding

<< < (9/14) > >>

you might have to compile COM.dll for your system then if your version of scriba.exe is built from newer sources
than mine. If anything changed in the pSupportTable offsets, or pProgram offsets or pExecutionObject table offsets
it would be a guaranteed crash

The scriba I compiled against is

File:     scriba.exe
Size:     507904
MD5:      3DCCF6B74C1846CB7EC08E7F657279DB
Compiled: Sat, Sep 12 2009, 3:19:33  - 32 Bit EXE

must sleep now will resume the fight in teh am

ok mailed, the exe I am using is from the public download

Please e-mail me the scriba.exe you are using.

What I'm using.

C:\SB22\sbcom\sbvb3>scriba -v
ScriptBasic v2.2
Variation >>Windows32<< build 2
Magic value 859012665
Node size is 16
Extension interface version is 11
Compilation: Nov  9 2012 18:29:05
Executable: C:\SB22\bin\scriba.exe


Here is a later compiled version but still GPF's.

C:\SB22\sbcom\sbvb3>scriba -v
ScriptBasic v2.2
Variation >>Windows32<< build 2
Magic value 859001395
Node size is 16
Extension interface version is 11
Compilation: May  3 2014 21:45:37
Executable: C:\SB22\bin\scriba.exe

emailed, this one tested as working too


File:     scriba.exe
Size:     507904
MD5:      E2E283CCAE0C493B29634984C302B5FE
Compiled: Sat, Sep 12 2009, 3:19:33  - 32 Bit EXE

Yours worked. STRANGE !!!

C:\SB22\sbcom\sbvb3>scriba COM_VB6_CallBack_Example.sb
obj = 1413952
oCollection = 1414112
Back in script basic Button1_Click arg=21
Back in script basic Button2_Click arg=22
LaunchCallBackForm returned 44
test complete!


You're using the 2.1 (OLD) version of scriba.exe. I think that was compiled with VC7 or VC9. The SB 2.2 was compiled with VC10 from the Win7 SDK.

C:\SB22\sbcom\sbvb3>scriba -v
ScriptBasic v2.1
Variation >>STANDARD<< build 1
Magic value 859034417
Node size is 16
Extension interface version is 11
Compilation: Sep 11 2009 23:19:32
Executable: C:\SB22\bin\scriba.exe


My money is on internal structures must have changed offsets from a new pointer added to a structure or something.

Here is the VS2008 crash course video on setup and debugging. Set HD quality for best viewing.


Note that the video capture software did not record the mouse over variable popups for some reason. If you hear me pulling numbers out of thin air, its because a tool tip window was displaying variable values to me on mouse over

ok now I am going to sleep for real this time :)


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