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Sorry! I can't see if it works on my machine.
I don't have the IMPORTED t.bas file.

t.bas / is a ScriptBasic extension module that comes with the distribution. It has always compiled in the past (all OS's). Did you setup your basic.conf yet and point where the the INCLUDE and MODULE directories are?

Yes, basic.conf was setup properly and installed.

I blew away everything and re-installed the default scriptbasic 2.1
Of course my MathTest.bas fails.

--- Code: ---[root@kahuna TestApps]# scriba MathTest.bas
Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html

<title>Error page, syntax error</title>
<H1>Error has happened in the code</H1><pre>
(0): error &H1c:Command is not implemented and no currently loaded extension module defined behaviour for it

--- End code ---
but your app doesn't run either.
--- Code: ---[root@kahuna TestApps]# scriba tinyXML.bas
Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html

<title>Error page, syntax error</title>
<H1>Error has happened in the code</H1><pre>
(0): error &H10:The requested module can not be loaded.

--- End code ---
All straight apps, without IMPORT's, seem to work OK.
INCLUDE works OK, there is just a problem with the IMPORT.

I guess everything is on hold, for me, untill I can figure this out.
If I can't get the "as distributed" scriptbuilder to work properly, then there's no sense taking it further.



I don't have a 64 bit box to try SB on. Armando has SB running on 64 bit Windows, Linux and the Mac with no reported problems.

Do you have a 32 bit system you can try and then move to 64 bit once you have a working 32 bit dev setup?



It's a whole lot more complicated than that!

I found out why the t.bas thing didn't work.
It seems that the file, and every other .so file in the bin/mod/dll directory, was compiled on Sept 13 2009.
On top of that, they were compiled on an Intel 80386.

--- Code: ---[root@kahuna dll]# file ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, not stripped
--- End code ---
Now that's not a bad thing if you have a compatable processor.
If you have anything different, then those files need to be re-compiled.
I was able to recompile them by touching the source files to make it look like changes were made.

--- Code: ---[root@kahuna dll]# file ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, not stripped
--- End code ---
That worked for most of them, but the developement packages need to be installed for others.
For example, to compile the, I had to install the mysql-devel package.
Still need devel for curl, odbc and xml.

What kind of Linux does Armondo have it running on?

You have no idea how much has to be done to get this system to compile and work for every flavor of Linux, Windows and Mac.
Actually, you probably DO know.

I'll chip away at it, but I'm an old retired guy and my wife likes for us to travel, so time is at a premium.



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