Author Topic: Windows 2.1 RC1 install  (Read 50622 times)


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Windows 2.1 RC1 install
« on: September 11, 2009, 09:58:36 PM »
I installed ScriptBasic Windows 2.1 RC1 tonight. I installed by copying over the original files.
My gd graphics programs will not run, Error could not find bdg.dll
The file is dbg.bas in C:\scriptbasic\include
There is no bdg.dll

Thanks for any input

« Last Edit: September 12, 2009, 01:49:49 PM by btechint »


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Re: Windows 2.1 RC1 install
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2009, 09:08:54 PM »
GD was one of the modules that was updated recently.

You'll need the dll contained in the bin folder of this file:



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Re: Windows 2.1 RC1 install
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2009, 09:41:52 PM »

ScriptBasic 2.1 RC2 Windows was released.



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Re: Windows 2.1 RC1 install
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2009, 12:51:33 AM »
New installed of ScriptBasic 2.1 RC2, same error.


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Re: Windows 2.1 RC1 install
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2009, 07:36:33 AM »
 ScriptBasic sample configuration file
; Note that this configuration file format is from v1.0b19 or later and has to be compiled
; to internal binary format before starting ScriptBasic
Has this file been compiled for the install, if not how is it done?

When trying to use the modules scriba gives an error message that it can not find them.


John Spikowski

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Re: Windows 2.1 RC1 install
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2009, 08:59:47 AM »
Armando created a zip of the current 3rd party DLLs that the extension modules use. Unzip this into \WINDOWS\System32 directory.

ScriptBasic uses a compiled form of it's configuration file to run. If you would like to modify your configuration then follow these steps.

  • cd to your /scriptbasic/bin directory and you should find a scriba.conf.txt file. Make your changes to this text version of the configuration file.
  • Create the binary version with the following command.
Code: [Select]
scriba -k scriba.conf.txt
  • If you don't have or trust you have a current text version of your configuration, then you can dump the configuration to text file with the following command.
Code: [Select]
scriba -D > scriba.conf.txt

    Check out the documentation for the configuration file structure on the ScriptBasic Wiki.


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    Re: Windows 2.1 RC1 install
    « Reply #6 on: September 14, 2009, 02:02:44 PM »
    I put the .dll files in the \system32 dir and checked the conf file. The default file looked ok so run the command to complie. Upon testing the gd module, my program starts, but errors at the first use the the graphics module. Are the GD commands the same or have they been changed?

    Is this the library that is being used?
    « Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 02:07:08 PM by btechint »


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    Re: Windows 2.1 RC1 install
    « Reply #7 on: September 14, 2009, 02:13:16 PM »
    Can you post your code so we can have a look at what might be going wrong?

    It sounds like your having issues loading the extension module. Use the -d command to debug the extension module loading part of your program before your code even starts to run.

    scriba -d yourpgm.bas
    « Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 02:16:35 PM by support »


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    Re: Windows 2.1 RC1 install
    « Reply #8 on: September 14, 2009, 03:11:40 PM »
    G:\hdrive\sbcode\wrk\ser>scriba -d
    Searching installed module header file 'gd.bas' ...
    Checking installed module header file location 'c:\scriptbasic\include\gd.bas' Result=OK
    Including file 'c:\scriptbasic\include\gd.bas'

    scriba.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    It failing on the first use of gd.

    the gd commands work fine in the old version, not in the new version

    « Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 05:22:59 PM by btechint »


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    Re: Windows 2.1 RC1 install
    « Reply #9 on: September 14, 2009, 05:37:48 PM »
    the gd commands work fine in the old version, not in the new version

    When you say "old version", do you mean the beta 2.1 that installs with a setup program?


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    Re: Windows 2.1 RC1 install
    « Reply #10 on: September 14, 2009, 06:04:14 PM »


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    Re: Windows 2.1 RC1 install
    « Reply #11 on: September 14, 2009, 07:39:39 PM »
    My error when building the zip, I included the "Dll_Pack" directory with the files within. Just copy the DLLs in this sub-directory back to \WINDOWS\System32. Sorry. I'll upload a new corrected zip. Here is the program that comes with the distribution. It worked fine on my Windows XP SP3 box.

    Code: [Select]
    import gd.bas

    brush = gd::Create(10,10)
    white = gd::Color(brush,255,255,255)
    black = gd::Color(brush,0,240,0)
    gd::Line brush,0,0,10,10,black
    gd::Line brush,0,10,10,0,black

    ' gd::SavePng brush,"brush.png"

    image = gd::Create(400,300)

    white = gd::Color(image,255,255,255)
    gd::SetTransparentColor image,white
    black = gd::Color(image,0,0,0)
    red =  gd::Color(image,255,0,0)
    blue =  gd::Color(image,0,0,255)
    green = gd::Color(image,0,255,0)

    gd::Point image,0,0,black

    gd::Rectangle image,200,50,250,100,red
    gd::FilledRectangle image,225,75,275,125,green

    gd::Rectangle image,324,190,376,290,black
    gd::SetTile image,brush
    ' caused stack overflow on a fine NT? Should be some poor implementation
    'gd::FillToBorder image,325,191,black,gd::Tiled

    gd::Circle image,350,50,40,blue
    gd::FillToBorder image,350,50,blue,green
    gd::Fill image,201,51,blue

    gd::SetBrush image,brush
    gd::Line image,300,200,300,350,gd::Brushed

    gd::SetColor image,black

    gd::SetFont image,gd::FontTiny
    gd::print image,0,10,"x=",gd::SizeX(image)," y=",gd::SizeY(image)
    gd::print image,100,100,"Tiny ",12*3+55

    gd::SetFont image,gd::FontSmall
    gd::print image,100,120,"Small ",55*63

    gd::SetFont image,gd::FontMedium
    gd::print image,100,150,"Medium ",24/19

    gd::SetFont image,gd::FontLarge
    gd::print image,100,190,"Large ",sin(3.1)

    gd::SetFont image,gd::FontGiant
    gd::print image,100,240,"Giant ",log(1000)

    for i=0 to 65 step 5
      gd::Line image,i,20,65-i,75
    next i

    LineStyle[0] = black
    LineStyle[1] = black
    LineStyle[2] = undef
    LineStyle[3] = undef
    LineStyle[4] = red
    LineStyle[5] = green
    LineStyle[6] = blue
    LineStyle[7] = undef
    LineStyle[8] = red
    LineStyle[9] = red

    gd::LineStyle image,LineStyle

    gd::Line image,0,90,100,90,undef

    for i=0 to 65 step 5
      gd::Line image,i,100,65-i,165,undef
    next i

    ImagePng = gd::Png(image)

    gd::Destroy image

    fn = 0
    open "test.png" for output as fn
    binmode fn
    undef ImagePng

    print "done\n"
    « Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 07:42:58 PM by support »


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    Re: Windows 2.1 RC1 install
    « Reply #12 on: September 14, 2009, 08:37:10 PM »
    I copied the dll's to the system32 dir. The gdtest ran ok, except. If you remove the comment from the gd::SavePNG command you will see the error that I am seeing. All my gd programs have been using the save command. It must be different now. Thanks
    import gd.bas

    brush = gd::Create(10,10)
    white = gd::Color(brush,255,255,255)
    black = gd::Color(brush,0,240,0)
    gd::Line brush,0,0,10,10,black
    gd::Line brush,0,10,10,0,black

    gd::SavePng brush,"brush.png" <-- command does not work



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    Re: Windows 2.1 RC1 install
    « Reply #13 on: September 14, 2009, 09:20:35 PM »
    We are looking into the issue with SavePNG().

    I noticed in Peter's (author) example program he did a raw write of the image string to disk using ScriptBasic standard file IO instead of using gd::SavePNG().  ???

    Code: [Select]
    fn = 0
    open "test.png" for output as fn
    binmode fn
    undef ImagePng

    I'll update this post when it's fixed.

    Thanks for testing ScriptBasic, your feedback is very helpful !



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    Re: Windows 2.1 RC1 install
    « Reply #14 on: September 14, 2009, 11:21:34 PM »
    Thanks, looking forward to using the new GD library. Here is one of the little jobs I do with SB. This one works now after I changed the save routine. It just makes random colored images. I did not use the transparent color before and with the new library without it the image is 1 bit grayscale. After adding it in the image became a standard color png file.
    import gd.bas

    for z=1 to 20

    FOR G=1 TO 3
    print c,"\n"
    NEXT G

    image = gd::Create(800,600)
    Color = gd::Color(image,D[1],D[2],D[3])
    white = gd::Color(image,255,255,255)
    gd::SetTransparentColor image,white


    ImagePng = gd::PNG(image)

    gd::Destroy image

    fn = 0
    open d for output as fn
    binmode fn
    undef ImagePng
    next z