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Linux precompile?

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Hi, me again  :oops:

I tried to install latest src to my ubuntu 8.04 but i got like 10 pages of errors. I really wish ubuntu package comes someday since most of new linux users from basic scene are using ubuntu.

Anyone installed scriba for ubuntu? Would be nice to get tutorial for it. Maybe even for PCopy too?


I compiled ScriptBasic on Ubuntu 8.04 without any problems. Make sure your dependencies are installed. Also make sure that your using the fixes Peter made for gcc 4.x. If you post a link to a copy of your compile results, maybe we can give you some suggestions to get a clean compile on your system.



I have gcc 4.0 installed, practically everything about it. I downloaded .zip package you mentioned but still get's more than 2000 lines of error. End looks like this

--- Quote ---scriba executable FAIL
sbhttpd executable FAIL
libscriba library FAIL
MODULE cgi:      dll OK   lib OK   bas OK  
MODULE curl:     dll FAIL lib FAIL bas OK  
MODULE odbc:     dll FAIL lib FAIL bas OK  
MODULE mt:       dll FAIL lib FAIL bas OK  
MODULE gd:       dll FAIL lib OK   bas OK  
MODULE psql:     dll FAIL lib FAIL bas OK  
MODULE re:       dll OK   lib OK   bas OK  
MODULE trial:    dll OK   lib OK   bas OK  
MODULE zlib:     dll OK   lib OK   bas OK  
MODULE hash:     dll OK   lib OK   bas OK  
MODULE ux:       dll OK   lib OK   bas OK  
MODULE curses:   dll OK   lib OK   bas OK  
MODULE bdb:      dll FAIL lib FAIL bas OK  
MODULE t:        dll OK   lib OK   bas OK  
MODULE dbg:      dll OK   lib OK   bas OK  
MODULE mysql:    dll FAIL lib FAIL bas OK  
MODULE xml:      dll FAIL lib FAIL bas OK
--- End quote ---

Is there any list of depedencies somewhere?

Do you have any development tools installed at all?  :(

I would first try getting scriba to compile which should catch the scriba library and httpd versions as well.

The rest are missing dependencies. If your having problems, compile each module one and a time and look at the dependency file located in each extension directory for what you might be missing. Another problem you might be having is that ScriptBasic may be looking for the .so's in /usr/lib and under Ubuntu they are located in /usr/local/lib. Update your LD config to reflect where your libraries reside.

If your using gcc 4.x then you need to update the source with Peter's fixes. (posted in the download section)

I have a working set so I know if you have your system setup correctly you will achieve a clean compile.  If this seems like too much work for you, I could tar a set of binaries for you to work with till you get things working with your development tools.



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