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ISAM - An appeal

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Sometimes you need to reassure yourself that you didn't make a bad decision. (BerkleyBD & PostgreSQL ext. modules)

Everything Oracle touches turns to crap. About the only thing I still use Oracle related is VirtualBox.

I couldn't agree more concerning Oracle.  ::)

Somewhere, I have a standalone copy of MyISAM, but it's for 16-bit systems and is thus Not A Lot of Useā„¢ A bit like the 8-bit Viewdata system I sill have somewhere in the archive (probably the same place as Windows 1.1 and Word 1.0 )

Have you looked at the HASH extension module as a basis for your ISAM index engine?

--- Quote ---The module uses the same hash algorithm as the ScriptBasic symbol table handling routine. This is routine comes from the page 436 of the dragon book.

The dragon book:
Aho-Sethi-Ulman : Compilers
     Principles, techniques, and Tools
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 1986

--- End quote ---

I haven't, but I will.



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