Author Topic: GTK demo  (Read 18590 times)


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GTK demo
« on: May 25, 2006, 03:02:09 AM »

The GTK module contains easy wrapper functions to create a graphical user interface. To see how easy it is to create such a GUI, I've put the dictionary demo online:

Dictionary Program Code

This is the screenshot:



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GTK demo
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2006, 10:02:35 PM »
Thanks Peter !

As soon as I get the 2.1 version released, I will help out with more examples.



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GTK demo
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2007, 11:29:04 PM »
I was able to get the GTK-Server ScriptBasic extension module running under CentOS 5 (Red Hat recompile) and it works great. If you convert your application to a standalone executable with the scriba -K option, there is no console interaction and the program runs just like any other binary executable. I was also successful at getting GTK-server to work with ScriptBasic under Windows as well. (same scripts run on both OS's)

I'm still confused why others are are not using ScriptBasic for their application development. Maybe it's a job security thing and the more code they write the more valuable the application must be. :)

I'm available for conversions of old legacy applications to either a browser or desktop environment. The result is that it won't cost you an arm and a leg and you will be able to maintain and enhance your application with in-house resources.  

John Spikowski


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GTK demo
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2007, 03:04:20 AM »
Peter (GTK-server author) extended the GTK.bas include file by wrapping common used GTK-server command strings in ScriptBasic functions. The Dictionary program is an example of using these wrapper functions.

Function Wrapper Matrix

The GTK-server started off as a TCP/named pipe interface and then Peter created a ScriptBasic extension module (DLL / Share Object). All commands are sent as one string. You may have noticed my GUI() wrapper around the GTK::gtk(gtk_cmd) function call to the GTK-server in the "Hello World" example.  This allows me to pass normal function like arguments and the GUI() function builds the command string.

I just wanted to clear this up as it might be confusing for someone not familiar with the GTK-server software.
