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ScriptBasic Users,

If your currently using ScriptBasic for any of your applications, utilities or hobby projects, please reply to this post. I really need to get an idea of the user base ScriptBasic currently has.

Based on this number of posts made by the forum members, I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only developer using the language.

This is important and please take the time to respond if you want to see ScriptBasic continue to evolve.

This means joining the forum if you haven't done so already.

Projects I'm willing to share what I've learned if there is interest in the language:

ScriptBasic Application Server - setup and application programming

GUI programming with ScriptBasic using the GTK-server extension module


Hi I still actively use this. Mainly for command line (text mode) use. I am interested in learning to use the gtk stuff for gui type work. Took me a long time to find something this comfortable to use on Linux and would regret to see it fade away.


--- Quote from: "Stavros" ---
I have been using and am using scriptbasic for communicating with serial devices and standarizing communication protocols before writing drivers as well as writing complex control algorithms for control centers.

Developing cycle with it is much faster than C.... and since i got computerized with ZX spectrume.. it feels like home.

I think it is the only basic branch . If you have the time dont quit!

--- End quote ---

Posted on ScriptBasic Mailing List


--- Quote from: "Mark" ---
Although not a heavy user I do use ScriptBasic some.  BASIC is my "syntax of choice" and I would hate to see ScriptBasic disappear even if not much new development happens anytime soon.

I have a new project coming up and I had not picked a platform yet but I believe ScriptBasic is a good choice and I will probably go that way.  My personal work load does not give me much spare time so being a contributor to the project can't happen as much as it could be fun.

In today's environment just about everybody is "addicted to complexity".  Too many people have grown up thinking Visual Studio is the only way.  Products like ScriptBasic don't get much attention because they don't seem "sexy" enough but in truth their simple elegance is their strength.

Now if you could compile it to run on my MacBook ..... hummmmm ..... very interesting.

Don't give up on it yet.

Thanks for the hard work to get it this far.


--- End quote ---

Posted on ScriptBasic Mailing List

Off topic but i would love to atleast try sB if i could just make it run with my ubuntu 7.10  :?


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