Open Forum > Round Table
What is inside a DLL
I have not worked with DLL's directly before
What I was wanting is to find out what is in any DLL
Lets pick cio.dll as an example
how can I find what commands / functions are inside
The ScriptBasic extension module DLLs are API and 3rd party interfaces with a tight integration with the ScriptBasic API. This gives ScriptBasic users a high level or Basic like interface to external functionality. ScriptBasic is well documented and the source is free to explore.
CIO Documentation
--- Code: Text ---module cio declare sub ::gotoxy alias "gotoxy" lib "cio"declare sub ::kbhit alias "sbkbhit" lib "cio"declare sub ::getch alias "sbgetch" lib "cio"declare sub ::getche alias "sbgetche" lib "cio"declare sub ::detach alias "sbdetach" lib "cio"declare sub ::GetTitle alias "sbgettitle" lib "cio"declare sub ::SetTitle alias "sbsettitle" lib "cio"declare sub ::break alias "sbbreak" lib "cio"declare sub ::nobreak alias "sbnobreak" lib "cio" declare sub ::SizeX alias "sbscrx" lib "cio"declare sub ::SizeY alias "sbscry" lib "cio"declare sub ::CursorX alias "sbcurzx" lib "cio"declare sub ::CursorY alias "sbcury" lib "cio"declare sub ::BufferSizeX alias "sbsizx" lib "cio"declare sub ::BufferSizeY alias "sbsizy" lib "cio"declare sub ::PossibleMaxX alias "sbmaxx" lib "cio"declare sub ::PossibleMaxY alias "sbmaxy" lib "cio" declare sub ::SetWindow alias "sbsetcw" lib "cio"declare sub ::SetCursor alias "sbsetcur" lib "cio"declare sub ::SetColor alias "sbsetcol" lib "cio" global Const FBlue = 0x0001global Const FGreen = 0x0002global Const FRed = 0x0004global Const FIntense = 0x0008global Const BBlue = 0x0010global Const BGreen = 0x0020global Const BRed = 0x0040global Const BIntense = 0x0080global Const FGrey = 0x0007global Const FWhite = 0x000Fglobal Const BGrey = 0x0070global Const BWhite = 0x00F0 declare sub ::Cls alias "sbcls" lib "cio" end module
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