Support > General Discussions

Linux precompile?

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You could try using the CentOS  (Red Hat recompile) binaries I posted to the forum. I will try them on my Ubuntu VM and see if they work in the next few days.



I will try when i get back to home. Depending of work, it might take anything between 10 hours to 3 days.


--- Quote from: "support" ---You could try using the CentOS  (Red Hat recompile) binaries I posted to the forum. I will try them on my Ubuntu VM and see if they work in the next few days.

--- End quote ---

Sorry, cant make it work  :cry:


--- Quote ---
Ubuntu, a newly popular desktop distribution maintained by Canonical that is derived from Debian

--- End quote ---

I pretty sure Peter (author) uses the Debian distro and there may even be a --switch with the 'setup' script.

Please post something here if your willing to share your ScriptBasic  2.1 Linux binaries with Basic programmers that may not have the skills to compile the code on their own. I know there is a request for working BSD set of binaries on the table.


IF someone has working binaries for ubuntu i would be pleased to have them. I just cant install from sources here. No clue why not but problems after problems.



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