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ScriptBasic 2.2 Beta Release

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--- Quote from: kryton9 ---John, I think scriptbasic is working for you guys because you must have had earlier built versions from source scriptbasics.

If you download the current ubuntu2.2 64 bit version zip to a clean ubuntu install(no previous scriptbasic ever) you will see the catch 22 routine with getting a basic.conf made.
scriba runs, but anything requiring additional includes no way.

But this is not only a scriptbasic issue, I am having problems installing many languages. Only luck was code::blocks and the c and c++ compilers.

--- End quote ---

These beta releases are designed to unzip where you want. There are a few steps to getting hooked into the environment.

From a console:

1. Get your environment variables set.

export PATH=/home/jrs/sb/sb22/bin:$PATH
export SCRIBACONF=/home/jrs/sb/sb22/bin/basic.conf

2. Here is my minimal basic.conf I use. (change paths to meet your setup)

--- Code: ---dll ".so"
module "/home/jrs/sb/sb22/modules/"
include "/home/jrs/sb/sb22/include/"
maxinclude 100
preproc (
  internal (
    sdbg "/home/jrs/sb/sb22/modules/"
maxstep 0
maxlocalstep 0
maxlevel 300
maxmem 0

--- End code ---

You can edit and recompile the basic.conf with the following scriba command line option. The result will create a binary basic.conf in the directory you pointed the environment variable SCRIBACONF to.

scriba -k your_conf_text_file

The module / include directories paths in the basic.conf file are used by the ScriptBasic extension modules so you can do a IMPORT mysql and it knows where to find things. Without these paths defined you have to used full paths in your program.  :(

That should allow you to run all the SB test programs if you have all your dependencies installed. (MySQL server/client, libcurl, unixODBC, Mini-XML)

--- Quote from: kryton9 ---Everything is a lot easier on Windows, although Ubuntu did see all my hardware better than Windows does on new installs. But for a new user, it is too confusing.
Files are everywhere and almost all are protected except for stuff in home.

 I thought one of the beauties of linux was supposed to be the packaging systems
and its ability to download all dependencies for you, but this is not the case by my testing these few days.

--- End quote ---

Linux has a GUI package installer (Synaptic) and apt-get from the console. Your a man now, put the boy toys away.  ;D

If you need root level privileges then use sudo. For example if you need to copy a library you built in your user /home/you directory structure to the system /usr/lib directory, try this.

sudo cp /usr/lib/

It will ask for your password you assigned yourself. (assuming you gave yourself admin privileges as the default user)

if you want to remain in a root shell, use sudo su.

Use exit to exit the shell your in or close the console.


--- Quote from: kryton9 ---I will leave Ubuntu on the dual boot, but back to windows so I can code again.

--- End quote ---

Don't give up so easy. Learning is part of the fun. I'll catch you if you fall.  ;)


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