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GD is a cool module and can be used on the web as you have demonstrated.

It looks like Debian is using a earlier version of GLIB. This is why I stick with main stream distributions like Ubuntu. I thought that was the direction you were going. The source to the GFX module is on C BASIC Bitbucket site if you want to try and compile it yourself for Debian. I have a Amazon EC2 instance I built what you have. I have no way to test GUI related modules. (ssh connection only)

I'll see if I can compile the GFX module on EC2 tomorrow. (getting late here) You will have to test it if I can get it built.  :)


I installed libSDL 1.2 and libSDL_gfx (dev) on my EC2 instance and tried to compile the Script BASIC GFX extension module. I get this BS error that means nothing to me and seems to be a bug with Debian's kernel.

Debian SDL repository

--- Code: ---admin@ip-10-188-36-190:~/sb22/source/extensions/gfx$ make -B
gcc -w -fPIC -static -m64 -c -I/usr/include/SDL -o ../../bin/mod/obj/gfx/s_interface.o interface.c
interface.c: In function ‘gfx_SDL_framerateDelay’:
interface.c:2240:15: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
make: *** [../../bin/mod/obj/gfx/s_interface.o] Error 1

--- End code ---

I would try to install SDL and SDL_gfx from the above link and see if the current Ubuntu Script BASIC extension module will work.
The problem may be that I have no X-server running on this instance and therefore unable to detect a GUI device driver.


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