I was able to get the Script BASIC SQLite3 extension module running under Windows 7 64 bit and working with the SB ODBC extension module. It seems I discovered a bug in the MySQL ODBC driver as it's substituting the first 5 or so characters of a returned string (column) with spaces. I'm hoping there is a fix for this already and I just need to update the driver.
import sqlite.bas
db = sqlite::open("testsql")
sqlite::execute(db,"create table demo (someval integer, sometxt text);")
sqlite::execute(db,"insert into demo values (123,'hello');")
sqlite::execute(db, "INSERT INTO demo VALUES (234, 'cruel');")
sqlite::execute(db, "INSERT INTO demo VALUES (345, 'world');")
stmt = sqlite::query(db,"SELECT * FROM demo")
while (sqlite::row(stmt) = sqlite::SQLITE3_ROW)
if sqlite::fetchhash(stmt,column) then
print column{"someval"},"\t-\t",column{"sometxt"},"\n"
end if
C:\scriptbasic\test>scriba t_sqlite3.sb
123 - hello
234 - cruel
345 - world